Zipper cargo pants Nicerior, two decorate zipped above on the side pockets, taped ankle without velcro, durable materials, no shrink no fake, easy to put the cargo on.
You have 14 days to decide if an item is right for you, if not, you can certainly come to us within 14 days of receipt.
Return items must be received in new condition, unwashed, unstained, or damaged.
Please make sure that you keep the original plastic bag with Nicerior Logo and seal the bag.
You are responsible for the shipping costs to ship back your items to the Nicerior warehouse.
Nicerior is not responsible for lost or damaged packages. If you leave the wrong address, please contact us immediately to change the address before we ship your order. If not, Nicerior is not responsible for wrong address offered by customer.
Once your return is received in the warehouse, please allow up to 1 week for your account to be credited.
If you want to return the item, please contact service@nicerior to apply for a refund.
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